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      I have been studying shamanistic healing since 1974 when I was first accepted and became an honorary brother of the Ute Indian tribe in Utah. This is where I first realized I was born with a shaman spirit. I am half breed, Cherokee and Scott. I learn more everyday about  where I stand before our FATHER spiritually. UP until I turned thirty I knew only my Cherokee side of my blood, since then I have learned about my Scott side and now I blend the ancient healing practices from both blood lines.

This is a great way to find how everything in the universe always comes full circle when it comes to healing the body and the spirit. My company offers different services that will allow anyone to find the spiritual healing they need for the growth they so desire and/or need. I have always felt that one can do much more by being in tune with the energies of the  universe, which is the power of GOD, and you will come to know the truth about the trinity of the FATHER, SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT...

Duncan Sinclair

Shaman healer

 (Human Nutrition) guided by whole foods and other natural and organic food outlets

massage therapy through  Acupressure and other relaxing methods


​I find that there is little difference between shamanic and druidic teachings. Druidism teaches the same spiritual realities as shamanism. When you search the truth through the spirit and not by "man", you find that all spiritual methods teach truths that may be slightly different in words yet have the same meaning, and that includes all religious aspects as well, it is mans misguiding that is the problem with religious dogma, take that away and you have truth.   

    This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

Druidic healing

How did he druids come to realization about their ability to heal?


Spiritual needs

Welcome to our home for spiritual needs.

How we can help you with your spiritual needs and healing.Welcome to our home for spiritual needs.

How we can help you with your spiritual needs and healing.

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